North Twin Sister

North Twin Sister may be one of the most unique mountaineering day trips in all the Cascades. The West Ridge offers superb alpine rock climbing, exciting exposure, and world-class views of both the Pacific Ocean and Mount Baker. Many route variations allow our guides to customize the difficulty for climbers of all abilities. Steep snow on the north face makes for a quick descent and adds variety to an exceptional day of adventure.

The Twin Sister Range is a wild and rugged alpine rock mecca, guarded by private land. Baker Mountain Guides’ unique relationship with the landowner allows us to drive right to the base of the mountains.

Coleman Deming

The Coleman Deming is a wild and adventurous experience on the north side of Mount Baker. The route traverses under the beautiful Black Buttes and ascends to the Coleman Deming saddle at 9000 feet. The final push up the Roman Wall is an exciting climb on 40-degree snow. Large crevasses, active icefalls, and grandiose scenery make for an inspiring objective.

We believe that each Coleman Deming ascent is unique. Our local knowledge, flexibility, and personable guides make for a customized experience that is measurably better. Join us for an ascent of our namesake and see why we are proud to call ourselves Baker Mountain Guides.

Easton Glacier

The Easton Glacier is perfect for beginners looking to learn the basics of glaciated climbing and experience the thrill of a Cascade volcano! This three-day climb allows plenty of time to focus on both the ascent, and glaciated mountaineering skills. Climbers will learn the fundamentals of moving efficiently in the mountains, climbing with crampons, ice-axe arrest, and roped glacier travel.

We believe that each Easton Glacier ascent is unique. Our local knowledge, flexibility, and personable guides make for a customized experience that is measurably better. Join us for an ascent of our namesake and see why we are proud to call ourselves Baker Mountain Guides.

North Ridge

The North Ridge of Mount Baker is a stunning and aesthetic arête between the Coleman Headwall and the Roosevelt Glacier. The route is elegant and exposed, characterized by steep snow and a technical ice cliff at 9500 feet. Above, large seracs guard the summit plateau. Approaching the North Ridge is half the adventure as well, and involves complex route finding around massive crevasses on the Coleman Glacier.

Baker Mountain Guides proudly offers an exceptional experience on the North Ridge of Mount Baker. Our intimate local knowledge of the route and current conditions allows us to confidently craft custom adventures for our clientele.